Custom Crew Neck Sweater

Winning Bid: $101.00

This crewneck sweater is the cutest addition to your wardrobe. It has a horse face printed onto it, which can be customised to include your horses facial markings.


100% of proceeds from this auction support rehoming of Kaimanawa Horses in the upcoming 2024 muster.


Item condition: New

Product Description

Custom Crew Neck Sweater, valued at $45. Thank you to Belts by Jess for donating this auction item.


This crewneck sweater is the cutest addition to your wardrobe. It has a horse face printed onto it, which can be customised to include your horses facial markings.


Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
tammy.steeves 07-04-2024 12:27:34 $101.00
angiekaad 07-04-2024 12:27:34 $100.00 Auto
angiekaad 07-04-2024 12:24:47 $95.00 Auto
tammy.steeves 07-04-2024 12:24:47 $90.00
angiekaad 02-04-2024 17:34:31 $60.00 Auto
melaniejudd88 02-04-2024 17:34:31 $55.00
angiekaad 02-04-2024 17:26:33 $50.00 Auto
melaniejudd88 02-04-2024 17:26:33 $45.00
angiekaad 01-04-2024 22:08:37 $40.00 Auto
morgankelsie28 01-04-2024 22:08:37 $35.00
angiekaad 01-04-2024 21:40:53 $30.00 Auto
malkinse 01-04-2024 21:40:53 $25.00
angiekaad 01-04-2024 21:40:45 $20.00 Auto
malkinse 01-04-2024 21:40:45 $15.00
angiekaad 01-04-2024 13:47:54 $10.00
Auction started