20×60 Dressage Markers from Jump for Joy

Winning Bid: $140.00

Black or white dressage markers for a 20 x 60 arena, valued at $185. Thank you to Jump for Joy for donating this auction item.


100% of proceeds from this auction support rehoming of Kaimanawa Horses in the upcoming 2024 muster.


Item condition: New

Product Description

Black or white dressage markers for a 20 x 60 arena, valued at $185. Thank you to Jump for Joy for donating this auction item.


These are supplied as flat polypropylene boards designed to be screwed onto your fence or other appropriate arena surface. Fixings not supplied.

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
jodiefenwick 07-04-2024 19:57:31 $140.00
lucymckelvie 01-04-2024 23:01:23 $120.00
gradadixon 01-04-2024 22:34:49 $100.00 Auto
angela-4150 01-04-2024 22:34:49 $80.00
gradadixon 01-04-2024 19:02:03 $20.00
Auction started